My academic stuff goes here! That includes my notes, scribbles, or any other thoughts that seem relevant to math or anything else I have a scholarly interest in.
A comment on my notes
My notes are my documented attempt (and eventual mastery) of the topic of study. For this reason, they are not solely based on a single lecture or a single individual’s line of thought. Indeed, they will be a (hopefully well) curated collection of my understandings and thoughts on the subject matter being discussed, which are likely informed by a combination of lectures, textbooks, videos, and conversations with others.
Though these are written for me, I hope they are helpful to you too. :)
Good luck and have fun! o7
Recent Posts
- My first attempt as simulating particles in a box.
- A study of pen-lifting, or the lack thereof.
- What defines the shape of a metric space?
- Are Cauchy sequences convergent? Yes! But also no.
- A guided tour and introduction to metric spaces in real analysis.