Make It Stick Friday, July 26, 2024
In my honors linear algebra course my freshman year, I asked my TA Bjoern Bringmann “How did you get so good at this?” And he promptly replied “I read the book Make It Stick.”
I didn’t ask further because I had to head to my next class, but I decided then that I should read it.
Not that I did…
With graduate school coming up, I felt I should actually read it and see how it can help me learn.
To be honest, my expectations are kind of high since Bjoern (someone who I look up to and greatly respect) recommended it, but it seems that many people love this text.
While reading an Amazon review for the book, someone had a great idea of reading the book, THEN reading it again using what you learn from the book. For this reason, I’m separating this into two readings with corresponding notes and thoughts. However, I will likely hide my original notes after I have done the second pass, just because the first pass notes are going to be awful/largely just quotes.
My first pass of the first chapter of Make It Stick.